Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fulfilling Moments

Today is such a stressful day for me. Our morning was normal, getting kids to school, but after that it turned to chaos (that we were prepared for because we knew ahead of time what we were facing.) 4th grade awards assembly, then off to the gym, then home for lunch, now it's time to pick up the kids from school, then hair cuts, followed by my showering and getting ready for my first day of work, one kid to swim team, change of the guard (ie: Dad home from work, me off to work), then home to prepare for a 1/2 day of school tomorrow. All the while we are under a severe weather alert... exciting!

I am ALWAYS excited to see my children receive awards. It just makes me happy. I love their satisfied looks on their faces. I love when their hard work is recognized and rewarded! Yesterday was my son's award ceremony and today the limelight belonged to my eldest daughter.

I was praying the ceremony would be QUICK so that we could get there, and get out and I'd be on time to my Zumba class that I was really wanting to take today. Unfortunately, that did not happen. It droned on and on. That's OK though, because my daughter was having a great time! FIVE awards! So proud of her. You have no idea how tough this year has been. She had a bully that we had to deal with. She struggled with organization and complete work. BUT through it all she came out on top and constantly fighting to do her best and be her best. I would say she succeeded. I won't bore you with the details.

I will, however, talk about one of her awards, specifically! My daughter, who came from my gene pool,  received the FITNESS AWARD! To receive this award she had to qualify in each of 5 different activities: Pacer Test (running), Curl Ups, Trunk Lift, Push Ups and Sit & Reach. When I was in school, it was called the Presidential Fitness Award. I never got one. There were some years I didn't try. There were other years I busted my butt and never got one. I was overweight from age 6 until... oh wait, I STILL AM! I was not a very physically active child. I was reminded of that year after year during the fitness test.

Hearing Maegan's name being called for this award made me cry. I cried the happiest tears. I am SO proud of my daughter. When I knew she was going through the testing, I tried to encourage her to set goals for each event and do her very best to obtain or surpass those goals. When she'd come home, she'd tell me she hadn't done as well as everyone else. I'd just ask if she did her best. She'd say, "Yes, I think so." I didn't really expect her to be called forward for the award, by the way she had felt she had done on her tests. So, I was shocked, when her name was called. I cannot begin to explain the amount of pride I have in my daughter. She proved to herself that she COULD do it! She DID it! Way to go Maegan!!! I hope all of my kids will want to be active and lead fit lives. It all starts at home and I am so glad that I can set the example.

Consider this a fulfilled day!

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