Friday, March 16, 2012

A Beautiful Morning Run

I love starting my day with a run. This morning it was nearly 60 degrees on our run. Short sleeves and capris were required for this morning's run. We cut back to 2 miles for time's sake today. We ran them pretty quickly (by my standards), we were definitely under 12 minutes per mile, or close to it! We finished with a nice walk and some stretching. You know there are mornings when I don't want to run, but the saying is true... "You'll never regret a run." I love the post run high.

This week I have worked out 5 consecutive days. This is the FIRST time in THREE weeks that I have done that! It feels so good to be back in the swing of things. Now let's hope I drop those last 13.5 pounds to get me under 200 lbs. THAT is the goal. 199.5 by the middle of April. I'm pretty sure it is doable!  MUST FOOD JOURNAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have an AMAZING weekend. I sure wish I was doing the 8K this weekend!!! I hope all of my friends who are running it have a great time!!! <3

1 comment:

  1. You can feel free to comment... I like feedback... especially of the positive not hateful variety! ;)
