Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm not on hiatus!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in days. I've been busy! Friday, I can't even remember what I did, and I left my food journal at my mom's house for both Friday and Saturday. I PRAY she did not toss them! Saturday was a crazy day. First day of soccer for my son, and first day of 4th season for my oldest daughter. My husband is coaching both teams. Both teams had great games. So proud of all of those little children! Afterward, we came home and started cleaning our bedroom. We didn't get finished, but we did put a dent in it. My room becomes the catchall for things that don't have a designated home. This has to change, as it stresses me out. And it is a lot my fault. Saturday evening was the VCU game... such a sad ending. I was so very disappointed, not in our team, just that we didn't advance. I am completely proud of the boys! I had a Frostings Cupcake that evening... not because of being upset with the game, but because I actually wanted a cupcake. It was the hummingbird cupcake and I picked one with very little icing (in comparison to the others that were piled high).

Oh my here I got distracted while writing and now it's less than 5 hours until I have to be at body back... so here are Sunday/Monday food journals!

Omelet w/ veggies (spinach, mushroom, onion, garlic) and parm
fruit thin cookie (by Newton) -- 1/3 serving
small w.w. bagel w/ v. sausage & colby chz
Whole Wheat cheeze its (1/2 serving)
turkey burger (no bun) topped w/ spinach, mushrooms, garlic, feta and a greek salad (homemade so I controlled the ingredients, no olives, no tomatoes, less than 2 tbsp of salad dressing

w.w. bagel w/ veggies sausage and colby chz
chickfila grilled chick sandwich
salad w/ ff honey mustard
cocoa roasted nuts
spaghetti (1/2 cup)
another spoonfull of spaghetti after soccer practice and 6 chz its

drank A ton of water!

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